Theriz Journal

Creating Art & Sharing Love Since 2009

Houston, we have a problem!

Cabo Canaveral, Flórida, EUA

In honor of Perseverance - the 2020 rover that landed on Mars last week, we're sharing our favorite sci-fi movies about the incredible mystery that are the space journeys. And I can't help it but ask you... what do you think about this NASA's new mission? We're in the middle of a pandemic and far away to see the end of it so, I can't help but wonder: is space our plan B? Are we saving the planet Earth or escaping from it? Christopher Nolan, is making us think about all these question since 2014.

'Interestelar', Christopher Nolan (2014)

'The Martian' /'Perdido em Marte', by Ridley Scott (2015)
With Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Michael Caine, Timothée Chalamet and Jessica Chastain

'Passengers' / 'Passageiros', by Morten Tyldum (2016)

'Armageddon', by Michael Bay (1998)

'Gravity'/ 'Gravidade', by Alfonso Cuarón (2013)

'O céu da meia-noite'/ 'The Midnight Sky', by George Clooney (2020)

'Apollo 13' by Ron Howard (1995)

'Ad Astra' / 'Ad Astra - Rumo às Estrelas', by James Gray (2019)

bonus '2001: A Space Odyssey' by Stanley Kubrick (1968)

'2001' enters in our list as a bonus because it's the first and the classic one that must be in every movie guide about the subject... it's my favorite and I'm always talking about it here on the blog.


Guys, I'm sorry for what you're about to witness here, but life is too short to take it too serious. Of course, I'm sharing the first film I saw featuring a travel to outter space (it was the beginning of my fixation on the subject) - and of course it was a Barbie doll movie, I was 4/5(?) years old!

'Barbie and the Rockers' (1987)

Well, saving the Earth or not, I wouldn't miss this little trip for anything, so... my ticket is guaranteed for 2026. Go to to get yours too! See you in Mars ;)