Theriz Journal

Creating Art & Sharing Love Since 2009

Meet Cute

NYC, Aug 1st, 2016

East Village, my love!

I talk a lot about things that I love here. But I don't talk much about love. Like the feeling for another person, you know?
Have you ever experienced it? Like true love? '.. Real love. Ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming, cant-live-without-each-other love.'? 
I'm lucky to know some couples (like my parents, my aunt and uncle, my cousin and her husband..) that not just complete each other but are also so perfect together that makes me believe in soulmate.

Carrie knows the feeling!

And I used to wonder if I was ever going to meet my other half too..
- Maybe he's british..
I thought that I'd have to go to London to find it.. And I definitely wasn't looking for it here. But how will I know? How can you explain these things? 
Do you know how? Did it ever happen to you? You look to a person and you know you're going to spend the rest of your life with them..?
It was different - from everything that I had experienced before. We had a "meet-cute" (like a movie scene) and suddenly it's like this person - that I just met - always has been part of my life.
The feeling wasn't like heart beating fast or sweating or speachless but something quite, peaceful and serene.
I found my place in the world. Not Brasil, England, or US.. But inside his arms.

Scene from the movie 'The Holiday' (2006) with Kate Winslet and Eli Wallac

Changing subject, I'm moving to Brooklyn today :)
New day, new house, new month & new love!
Do we need a better Monday Motivation?
