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8 Signs It's High-Time You Threw A Party

The start of the year is always a little depressing. Christmas and New Year are behind us, and it’s a long way to the summer. 

As such, it’s a great time to throw a party, even if you can’t think of a good reason to do it. Getting everyone together for a shindig helps pass the time and let off some angst. 

It turns out that there are many reasons to throw a party. You don’t just have to wait for your birthday like your parents trained you to when you were little (though that’s a good excuse). Instead, you can get everyone together on a whim, regardless of your situation. 

Scene from 'The Great Gatsby' (2013), by Baz Lurhmann

Here, we look at some signs that a party is well overdue. Check them out below: 

You Have FOMO

Yes, it’s not stylish to react to your fear of missing out, but it can be oh-so gratifying when you do. If you see everyone else on Instagram having a great time, why not emulate it? 

Throwing a party could be just what the doctor ordered. Getting rid of FOMO stops you feeling jealous and helps you feel like a part of your community’s nightlife again. And, the best bit is that you no longer feel like you are missing out. It’s you getting tagged on Instagram, nobody else. 

Spring Is Beckoning

Another sign you should throw a party is that the spring sunshine is on the way and the weather is finally changing. It’s almost like nature is tempting you to get people together and enjoy yourself. 

Historically, of course, it was traditional to throw a party at the end of the winter season. The moment the spring equinox arrived, everyone would leave their huts for dancing, music and food.
And who could blame them? Finally, they could stop eating gruel and get a tasty treat. 

So why not jump aboard this time-honored tradition and try it yourself. The birds in the garden are singing, so nothing is stopping you from joining them. 

You Feel The Spontaneous Urge To Connect

You might also feel a spontaneous urge to connect. Being cooped up all winter is enough to make even the most intransigent introvert more gregarious. 
Sometimes we forget just how long the winter drags on. If you live at a northern latitude, you can start retreating into your home during October and only emerge again in March. You might as well be hibernating. 

Therefore, a party at this time of year is often the perfect excuse to start connecting with people again. Getting to know everyone is a great way to feel more human after a long break from social interactions. 

You Feel A Celebration Is Overdue

Another sign it’s time you threw a party is if a celebration is very much overdue. If you just landed a promotion or got into a great relationship, the time to party is now! Don’t let the moment pass. 
Many of us spend so much time striving towards our goals that we don’t spend any time actually celebrating when we attain them. That’s no way to live – and we know it. 

That’s why you can throw a party at any time of the year. Usually, there is something you’ve achieved or some progress you’ve made. 
It could even be something small. For instance, you might have finished your marathon training or nailed a presentation at work. Whatever it is, why not throw a party in its honor? 

You Know Someone With A Birthday Coming Up

Knowing someone with a birthday coming up (who probably won’t celebrate at all if left to their own devices) is another strong reason to throw a party. Getting everyone together on behalf of another person is a great way to show your friendship and concern for them. 

When it comes to organizing someone else’s party, you have so many directions you could take it. Hiring delicious birthday party catering or calling a famous local DJ can get the shindig started. You could also arrange everyone to show up at an event at the same time, or host something through a local community organization. Whatever it is, make it special. 

Your Didn’t See Your Friends For Ages

Not seeing your friends together in one place for a long time is another reason it’s high-time to throw a party. Getting everyone together for a good time can reforge old bonds and make you feel young again. 
It’s also a great way to maintain your relationships. Getting everyone to hang out reminds people that you still care about them, even if life is changing so fast you can’t keep up with it. 

You Have Cabin Fever

The dreaded cabin fever could be another sign you really should throw a party. Feeling cooped up in your tiny flat all winter is not fun at all. 
Remember, you don’t have to throw a party at your house. Going somewhere else can be a great way to spread your wings and enjoy yourself. 

For instance, why not get everyone together at the local mall or bowling alley? You could also throw a party at a grand country mansion or take everyone on an activity adventure day of hiking and abseiling before settling down to a relaxing evening at a bar. Remember, it’s your party, your rules. 

Something Big Just Happened In Your Life

Finally, something big happening in your life is a sure sign that it’s time to throw a party, particularly if it came out of the blue. Good examples include landing a new job, graduating after four years of college, or getting engaged. 

If something big like that happens, get everyone together. Invest in a good time where you can share memories and see friends who haven’t been to your place for a long time. Open up again and find ways to beat the post-COVID blues. 
In summary, throwing a party is something you can do at any time, for any reason. It’s all part of the joy of being alive.